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Today NLK become a meaningful organization reaching thousands of women, grandmothers and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia.

Our program have been proved to contribute significantly to the national effort in restricting and reducing the impact of HIV/AIDS by bringing women out of isolation and ignorance of HIV and its transmission. The target women have been empowered. They have learnt how to express themselves and how to connect with others, transforming themselves from dependents to service providers in their communities. They become contributors on community issues and providers catering to the needs of many deserving and poor members of their community. They have changed the perception of local stakeholders about people living with HIV in particular positive women. Indeed they have been able to inspire other HIV positive women to embrace innovation and creativity. The following entails the qualitative and numerical achievements of NLK's programs to date:

  •  165 HIV/AIDS affected and infected grandmothers and OVC households have been reached with food support and capital provision to expand existing household businesses.
  • The beneficiary grandmothers and OVC households have been able to generates income and support their families in terms of food security, health and education of their children.
  • The beneficiary grandmothers and OVC households, moreover significantly improved in terms of confidence, relationship, and protection as well.
  • The grandmother and OVC households have been formed in 4 Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA). Assisted by the VSLA methodologies the member beneficiaries of the association have managed to maintain their initiated business for more than one year whilst doing savings, active collective protection for themselves and families in the communities. Besides, the social funds set up by their respective VSLA association started providing its members with a low cost, simple insurance system enabling them to keep children at school or to cope with emergencies that HIV/AIDS may trigger.
  • 200 target low income women living with HIV/AIDS have reached with Basic Business skill training, Vocational and Skill traings, provided startup capital, commenced their micro business, as the result of which they have been able to generate income and support their families in food, medication and education of their children.
  • 20,000 vulnerable women, Most at risk youths and children has been reached with HIV/AIDS awareness, skills building, and confidence for successful HIV prevention, mitigation of AIDS impact; and violence against women (VAW) and its connection to HIV/AIDS prevention.
  • 803 women living with HIV/AIDS have been reached with palliative care and peer support.
  • 280 OVC due to HIV/AIDS, who have either been excluded from formal school because they cannot afford basic school material or are engaged in various activities for survival; have been reached with IGA, Psychological support, and educational material support.