Psychological Support

The organization provides skill, nutritional food, clothing and educational materials support for the target HIV positive and vulnerable women as well as orphans and vulnerable children.

Type of Support Number and type of beneficiaries
HIV Positive Women Vulnerable Women OVC Total
Life Skill Training - - 400 400
Closing Support (Blanket and Bed Sheet) 150 25 - 175
Nutritional Food Support 150 25 - 175
Educational Materials - - 90 90
IGA Material Sort for OVC - - 180 180
Total 300 50 670 1020

Table - Number of beneficiaries reached by various psychological supports



The targeted beneficiary women persuaded themselves that thy are capable enough to be engaging themselves in income generating economic activities. They become also with micro and small business ideas that enable them to obtain their economic independence.


As 150 of the targeted beneficiary women are HIV positive, they are taking antiretroviral medication. Thus, the nutritional food support and discussion sessions that have been facilitated by the SHG assist towards adherence of the women for their ARVT and other medical treatments. Most of them reported that currently they have a relatively sufficient and ever nutritious food available in their home; thy are taking their ART medicines timely and appropriately. They also discussed and raised their awareness level on various social and economic issues including ART status by means of discussion organized by the established SHG.


School performance and attendance of the beneficiary OVC have been shown tremendous improvement. According to formal discussion conducted with teachers and administrators of 5 elementary schools, in which 60 or 100 targeted OVC enrolled in, the following changes have been registered with regard to targeted OVC.

The community conversation sessions and open market educational programs help in great extend to enhance the awareness and knowledge level of the community to great extent towards issues of HIV/AIDS, gender, VCT, stigma, discrimination and other related issues.